Course Info
What is advanced topics in memory systems all about?
Device scaling in processor fabrication technologies along with microarchitectural innovation have led to a tremendous gap between processor and memory performance.
While architects have primarily relied on deeper cache hierarchies to reduce this performance gap, the limited capacity in higher cache levels and simple data
placement/eviction policies have resulted in diminishing returns for commercial workloads with large memory footprints and adverse access patterns. Device
scaling has also led to both unprecedented power consumption levels (with no silver bullets in hand to mitigate it) and low circuit reliability.
In this course, we will read the latest technical contirbutions to bridge the processor/memory performance gap, improve power efficiency in the
memory system and increase memory reliability in future technologies.
Who should take CS604?
MS and Phd students in computer architecture or computer systems interested in learning about the latest and proposed
memory system design technologies.
What knowledge does CS604?
Advanced uniprocessor and multiprocessor architecture.
Readings and Presentations
In this course, we will read papers, and take turn presenting them. It is absolutely important to read
the papers prior to attending class becasue the class will proceed in the form of a discussion among
participants and a presentation to introduce the main topics covered in the papers. The students will
take turn presenting throughout the semester.
Grading will be based on class discussions and presentations.